This seminar addresses product governance, product development, product creation, MIFID II, insights from the machine room, how you select or exclude “the change bringers”, implementation of the EU taxonomy and other important specifications, ESG branding, ethical considerations, SFDR, alignment of expectations, investor protection requirements, valuation challenges, regulatory requirements, challenges for product distributors, where is the industry moving?, how to deal with advisor biases, the use of ESG research and how all these topics feed into the final ESG product and, how advisors use all this knowledge with respect to the individual clients investment policy statements and investment decisions.
We have therefore invited David Moalem, Partner at Bech-Bruun Law Firm, William de Vries, Director Impact Equities and Bonds at Triodos Investment Management, Søren Larsen, Head of ESG at Nykredit and Lena Österberg, Head of Equity Research at Carnegie Investment Bank, to share their knowledge about the different stages of the ESG investment product value chain. John Poulsen, member of the Wealth Management Committee, The Danish Finance Society/CFA Society Denmark will moderate the event.